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Wednesday 10 January 2007

Coming Up!

This Sunday's sermon will be based on The Two Debtors (Luke 7:41-43), a small parable told when a meal with Pharisees was gatecrashed!

"Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?" Ahead of Sunday, what thoughts and feelings does this story provoke in you?


Anonymous said...

a tricky question who did he love more? do we spend more on the ones we love or do we just do the best for them? love is not measured by the amount of money spent in my oppion but the quailty of the relationship. both men had debt complety cleared for both were left with the same feeling of being dedt free so i'd say he loved them both the same , or showed Gods love to them in both the same way?

Anonymous said...

I think that they will love him both the same because they have both been forgiven for their debts. It says in the bible that all sins are the same so surely this is the same in debt. If God forgives a murder and someone that uses his name in vain, surely he loves both of them and forgives them both. This is the same for the debtors. It think they are both highly grateful to the moneylender and that they can see God's forgiving love through him.

Anonymous said...

after listening to caroline i realise i have thought the words were who did he love more not which one will love him more. how easy is it to read what you want to hear not what it really says

Anonymous said...

If a person was convicted of attempted murder and another for murder-then i think the murderer would love God more, I know I love God more for I have sinned much and been forgiven much. But God loves us all the same