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Tuesday 9 January 2007

How do I Have My Say?

You've heard the story, survived the sermon and have your own thoughts. Fancy sharing them with us? So just how can you do that?

To join the discussion, find the post relevant to the topic you want to talk about. Click on the word comments underneath it. This will bring up a new window where you can write your observations, questions etc. On the right hand side of that page it will give you various options regarding what name will show up next to what you have written on the webpage. If you have a blogger account you have the option to use your normal blogger 'display name'. You have the option to appear as 'anonymous'. You can also click on 'other' which opens up a new section where you can write your own name and enter a website address if you have one you wish to share.

If you want to have a test run before you make a proper post, you can always do it to this post here! Go on, you n=know you want to...

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